What’s the deal with Virginia’s Mileage Choice Program?
Have you heard about Virginia’s Mileage Choice Program? If not, and you drive a fuel-efficient vehicle, you will. In July of this year (2022), the Commonwealth started offering drivers of low mileage vehicles an alternative to the standard fuel tax legislated in 2020. Those who drive electric cars or have automobiles with MPGs of 25 or greater may have noticed an extra charge as part of their registration fee over the past couple of years. It’s calculated on the assumption everyone drives 11,600 miles per year. Those who may be driving a lot fewer miles were being taxed the same as those with many more. The pitch is, it can save those equally but unfairly taxed some money; and it’s being promoted heavily as a kind-hearted initiative for efficiency vehicle sufferers. When anyone shows such enthusiasm over what sounds like a revenue loser, I feel the need to ask […]